The Patriot – Part 1

The Patriot – Part 1

The Patriot" is interrogated by a North Korean scientist in hopes of discovery the source of his impressive powers in a new superhero tale from Todd Fleming! »

The Patriot – Part 2

The Patriot – Part 2

"The Patriot" is forced to watch the electro-torture of one of his military comrades and finds he has an unexpected sexual response to the spectacle. »

The Patriot – Part 3

The Patriot – Part 3

"The Patriot" is forced to watch another one of his military buddies violated while Dr Eel harvests another load of cum from the superhero. »

The Patriot – Part 4

The Patriot – Part 4

"The Patriot" must face his own latent desires when Dr Eel requires him to participate in the sexual torture of the next soldier. »

The Patriot – Part 5

The Patriot – Part 5

The defeated superhero gives into his desires to become a submissive sex slave but learns that Dr Eel has one more sick game in store for him. »

The Patriot – Part 6

The Patriot – Part 6

"The Patriot" is bound and forced to cum over and over again by his fellow soldiers in hopes of securing their freedom. »

The Patriot – Conclusion

The Patriot – Conclusion

Dr Eel is determined to extract one last load from The Patriot in the conclusion to Todd Fleming's latest series. »

Emerald Halloween – Chapter 1

Emerald Halloween – Chapter 1

Superhero Emerald Lad is seduced by a group of male dancers at a Halloween party that turns out to be trap concocted by his arch nemesis. »

Emerald Halloween – Chapter 2

Emerald Halloween – Chapter 2

The dancers use various means of persuasion to convince the hero to remove his belt and give up control. »

Emerald Halloween – Conclusion

Emerald Halloween – Conclusion

The defeated hero becomes the main attraction..... »

SuperiorMan’s Defeat

SuperiorMan’s Defeat

SuperiorMan endures a humiliating ordeal and falls into the clutches of Dr Tentacle when the the super hero's secret weakness is discovered in this SUPER HOT story by Todd Fleming. »

The Hunt for Superboy – Chapter 14

The Hunt for Superboy – Chapter 14

Lex Luthor is authorized by the mayor to use force to bring down Superboy who's earned a new reputation as a menace thanks to the work of the Superboy Destroyer and his Superboy fakes. Lex encounters one of the horny fakes in his attempt to capture Superboy. »

The Hunt for Superboy – Chapter 15

The Hunt for Superboy – Chapter 15

Lex is captured by the Superboy Destroyer then Superboy and Lex work together to defeat the villian. »

The Hunt for Superboy – Conclusion

The Hunt for Superboy – Conclusion

The conclusion to Todd Fleming's Superboy series. »

The Hunt for Superboy – Chapter 11

The Hunt for Superboy – Chapter 11

The Superboy Destroyer adds another superboy clone slave to his collection; this time an arrogant jock with grudge against the super hero. »

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