Our video archive of male spanking and caning scenes from movie tv and the internet.


Young Man Gets Caned

Young Man Gets Caned

Young man gets caned in movie scene. »

Naked Hottie Tied Up & Spanked

Naked Hottie Tied Up & Spanked

Naked hottie is tied up and spanked by a woman in this scene from "Exit to Eden". »

Brutal Naked Spanking

Brutal Naked Spanking

A brutal naked public spanking scene from an Italian black & white film. »

Son Whipped by Stern Father

Son Whipped by Stern Father

A sexy young man gets whipped by his stern father while his mother plays on.... »

Prison Convict Stripped & Whipped

Prison Convict Stripped & Whipped

Sexy young prisoner forced to strip for naked whipping in this scene from Mar De Plastico »

Chain Gang Prisoner Suffers a Severe Strapping

Chain Gang Prisoner Suffers a Severe Strapping

A chain gang prisoner suffers a severe strapping. »

Another Chain Gang Prison Suffers the Strap!

Another Chain Gang Prison Suffers the Strap!

Its Clyde's turn to suffer the strap! »

Outlaw Roughly Interrogated & Sodomized by Cops

Outlaw Roughly Interrogated & Sodomized by Cops

Outlaw "El Lute" is arrested, stripped naked, interrogated and sodomized by the investigating cops. »

Bizarre Interrogation

Bizarre Interrogation

A rather bizarre interrogation clip featuring a strategically placed hose and a bare-spanked ass! »

Boarding School Student Punished by Head Master

Boarding School Student Punished by Head Master

A boarding school student takes a spanking from his head master in this scene from unknown film. ** Additional clips added directly to our Male Bondage Movies page. ** »

Caned in a Singapore Prison

Caned in a Singapore Prison

Caned in a Singapore prison. »

Your Sunday Whipping: Lawrence of Arabia

Your Sunday Whipping: Lawrence of Arabia

Peter O'Toole caned in this scene from the original 1962 "Lawrence of Arabia". **Additional clips added directly on our Male Bondage Movies page** »

Your Sunday Whipping: Young Russian Man Bound & Caned

Your Sunday Whipping: Young Russian Man Bound & Caned

A young Russian man is punished by soldiers with a rough caning. »

A Whole Line Up of Asian Men Spanked

A Whole Line Up of Asian Men Spanked

A whole line up of Asian men get spanked & abused in this scene from unknown film. **Additional clips added directly to our Male Bondage Movies page** »

Real Caning Video from Saudi Arabia

Real Caning Video from Saudi Arabia

Video of a brutal caning from Saudi Arabia - 20 lashes for drinking a beer. »

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