Sailor17 commented on the post, Das Guantanamo 3 years, 10 months ago
The same clip is on youtube in English under Torture – The Guantanamo Guide
Sailor17 commented on the post, Amateur James Bond Torture Scene Remake 4 years ago
This scene in the Casino Royale novel plays out differently and I think better in the novel and I recommend checking it out if you like the scene in the movie.
Sailor17 commented on the post, You Receive a Summons to be Publicly Punished – Part 1 4 years, 3 months ago
1. Dave a banker
2. Casual clothing short hair with beard
3. Fat, average body hair, man boobs, small penis. Don’t like being naked in public
4. Simon, a rival from the final year of school. We had a few […]