Samson – Chapter 10 (Continuation of SuperHuman’s story by Benrugby41)
Samson is compelled to walk to a public square where the enslaved strong-man is forced to push a granite millstone to the delight of the crowd. »
Samson is compelled to walk to a public square where the enslaved strong-man is forced to push a granite millstone to the delight of the crowd. »
Over the years, I have received numerous requests for a continuation of SuperHuman's "Samson" story. Unfortunately, he has never completed the series. However, Benrugby41 has volunteered to continue the story with his own spin on it and it's quite HOT so far!! Here are the first three chapters of Benrugby41's continuation.... »
As Nabal and Delilah watch on, Micah is ordered to tease Samson's drooling cock. »
Delilah relishes in the honor of squeezing the humiliated slave's mighty balls into a ring attached to chain leash. »
Legendary hero Samson is betrayed by his lover (a lithe young man named David), shaved of his body hair, humiliated and delivered to his enemies in this new series by member Benrugby41. »
David seizes the opportunity to take control of his lover, shaving off his body hair and delivering him a group of Philistine soldiers who further humiliate the hero by piercing his sensitive nipples. »
Samson is bound, whipped and paraded through the city with David leading the way. »
Samson is paraded through the city then bound naked in public display to the cheers of a jubilant crowd. »