Owein is taken to a field where the men are training and sizes up his competition.

Gladiator - Part 6: But Can He Fight?
by Amalaric
Series: Gladiators

Owein's mighty chest expanded with a deep breath of fresh air, fragrant with the spicy scent of parched grass in the open space behind the slave market. He had been led there by an overseer and followed by a crowd of interested observers that included the agent representing his potential buyer. Owein clutched his scanty loincloth, but had been forbidden to cover himself. 'You're priced kind of high, boy. Might help things along if you fought in the nude...' The sales agent leered unspoken acknowledgement of the tall Celt's many attributes and Owein blushed but was, nevertheless, grateful for the feel of sun on his broad back and the absence of shackles on his wrists. He briefly considered trying to escape but quickly reconsidered - the field was crawling with armed retainers and even Roman soldiers gawking at the potential gladiator slaves, hooting rowdy approval or disapproval at the sweaty performances of men grappling in the dirt.

Waiting his turn to fight, eyeing some of the other bucks loitering in the clear sunlight and sizing them up as potential opponents, the captive rebel felt a fleeting sense of guilt. It had been a long time since pleasurable emotion warmed his manly heart as it did now, in anticipation of the contest that would pit one hard body against another, one panting sweaty man against an equally matched opponent - just as things should be and were in the simpler world he hailed from. He quietly banked the simmering rage, knowing it would always be accessible, and surrendered to the pleasurable buzz of anticipation. Shrugging, he let a half smile play on full lips. Owein was even oddly grateful for his nudity, growing accustomed to it in a way, certainly in circumstances like this - the fight would be a fair one, one naked man pitted against another.



  1. 31118azti - June 12, 2020, 9:41 am

    Great pic and story!

  2. scotts60143 - June 13, 2020, 4:04 pm

    The anticipation of the fight, in the nude! How great is that. Again, a great nip by Amalaric!

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