An excerpt from the original script of the film Django Unchained featuring the former slave's intense naked bondage & torture scene. Most of the scene was cut from the finished film but the entire torture scene is featured here!
Django's Naked Bondage & Torture Scene from Djano Unchained
by Quentin Tarantino
The soles of Django's bare feet. A rope is tied around the ankles, and it's obvious he's been strung up, upside down. The CAMERA moves down his naked body, down his legs (we see his wrists are bound with ropes to his thigh), down his bare buttocks, down his whip scarred back, to the back of his head which hovers just about three inches from the barn yard wooden floor.
Eight year old stable boy, Timmy, wipes the unconscious Django's face with a wet rag. They are all alone in the barn.
Django begins to come to ...
Act like you still sleepin'.
Where's Broomhilda?
Hildi, the slave girl that ran away a couple of days ago. They had her in The Hot Box.
I don't know 'bout no girl.
How 'bout that German white man I came here with?
Oh he's dead. His body's over there.
Django twists upside down on the rope, and sees the corpse of his friend King Schultz dead on the filthy barn yard floor. The sight of the lifeless carcass of the doctor fills Django with pain and anger. Just then head overseer Ace Woody walks in the barn. Upon seeing Ace, Timmy hightails it out of there, Ace throws an empty bucket at the fleeing boy.
Git on outta here, boy!
Django, slightly..swaying to and fro from the rope, looks upside down at Ace Woody, all dressed up in a black suit with a string tie, which makes him look a bit like Wyatt Earp.
So y'all bounty hunters,.huh?
Django thinks, "How does he know?"
I knew there was something fishy 'bout, y'all. We found your wanted posters and book of figures in your saddle bags. I gotta say, ain't never heard of no black bounty hunter before. A black boy paid to kill white men? How did ya like that line of work?
Django retorts, upside down.
Well, it turns out I was a natural.
Ace woody laughs.
Boy, people 'round here are cross wit you.
Ace Woody pulls up a tiny milking stool, and sits down on it, a body length from the hanging man.
See Boss Man was a rather beloved figure 'round here. Now he's dead as fried chicken, everyone 'round here blames you.
Ace Woody opens his black suit jacket, we see not only does he wear a gun and holster around his waist, he carries a HUGE BOWIE KNIFE in a shoulder holster. He removes the big blade from its sheath.
Yep, Boss Man's gone. Poor Calvin. Poor goddamn Calvin. We're burnin' him in a few hours. At sunset. Should be real pretty. However ... . I don't think you're gonna be able to attend.
Ace takes the Bowie Knife and THROWS IT....IT LANDS stuck in the wooden barn yard floor, four inches from
Django's face. Ace Woody slowly rises up from the tiny milking stool, and slowly walks the length of the floor between him and Django, pulls the blade out of the floor, and walks back to his stool, and sits back down.
As he does this, he says;
Now I understand you didn't really have nuttin' to do wit it. It's that German sunbitch the trouble maker. You just wanted to git your girl, and hightail your nigger asses outta here. Now I appreciate that. But grieving folks 'round here need someone to blame. And I guess they figure if you hadn't brought your black ass 'round here in the first place, Boss Man still be alive. And you know what, they got a point.
He THROWS the knife again....this time IT LANDS in the floor two inches from Django's face. He walks the same path from the knife and back to the tiny stool.
As he does he says;
Now when it comes to making a nigger regret the error of his ways, believe me when I tell you, I know every goddamn trick in the book. Now there's a lotta ass busters out there try an' git creative with the way they bust ass. But me... .I always found the best methods are, tried and true.
He THROWS the knife again...
Django JERKS his head back .... and the knife LANDS in the floor, right where Django's head was. Ace Woody stands up, walks the floor to the Bowie, yanks it out of the wood., and straightens up, standing right beside the hanging upside down naked black man. Ace talks confidentially to the bound man at his mercy.
You know Blackie, here at Candyland, I had me a real sweet deal. These last eleven years training Calvin's mandingos I made me more money I made my whole goddamn life. And no end in sight, neither.
Then you came along. Knocked me right off that perch I was sittin' pretty on. You think Miss Lara gonna be as interested in mandingos as her brother? Uuummmm...I don't think so. What I think, is you done fucked up my good thang. So when it comes to you, Django boy, you could say I gotta axe to grind.
He grabs a handfull of Django's genitals in his fist. He takes his big Bowie, and places the razor sharp BLADE against Django's nut sack. Django dances at the end of the rope like live bait on a fishing pole.
How's the blade of that Bowie feel against your ball sack, Blackie? A Bowie right off the wet stone. Now that's what I call sharp.
Django dances some more ...
Yep nigger, I'm gonna snip them nuts.
On the count of three.
ONE ...
Got to do it, boy. TWO...
NO!!!! !
Just then Stephen appears in the entrance of the barn/blacksmith facility. He's holding Django's clothes in a bundle under his arm.
Cap't, Miss Lara lookin' for you. She wanna talk about the Old Man's funeral. Oh, and she changed her mind 'bout snippin' Django. She gonna give 'em to the LeQuint Dickey people.
While still keeping a firm grip on Django's'junk, Ace Woody says;
Well she didn't waste a minute tellin' me.
Ace Woody looks down at Django, both men get over the aborted emotion of what almost happened.
How disappointing.
Where she at?
She in the big house. The kitchen.
Ace turns to leave, Stephen goes over to a big fiery furnace in the blacksmith barn, and begins poking a LONG POKER which lies buried in the fire. Django's clothes are dumped by the furnace.
You gonna look after our friend?
As, he plays with the poker in the fire, he says;
Oh yes sirree Bob, you know I am! Ol' Snowball and a certain naked ass upside down nigger we both know, gonna
have us a big of chat.
He removes the big black poker from the furnaces fire, it's RED HOT END GLOWS ORANGE.
Snowballs just makin' sure his talking stick is all nice and FROSTY.
Ace Woody chuckles to himself as he exits the barn. Just Stephen with a red hot poker, and naked, bound upside down Django, alone. With the red hot poker in his hand Snowball approaches the naked hanging Django.
I bet you an' that German thought y'all was on easy street for awhile - didn't ya? Y'all track Hildi to the Old Man. You get the idea to go to Greenville - look up the Ole Man there.
That was a good idea. I bet y'all couldn't believe how easy it was. You meet Moguy, he buys your horseshit. Ya' git your ass invited to Candyland, no fuss no muss. Ya' ride the whole way to the plantation, no one the wiser. Then ya' ride in to Candyland - ride your goddamn horses right up to the motherfucking Big House.
And that's where you met me. And that's when you knew your goose was cooked.
He TOUCHES Django's NIPPLE with the ORANGE HOT TIP of the poker. Unlike a lot of movie hero's, Django doesn't take torture silently and stoically. This shit fucking hurts, so you best believe he screams his fucking ass off, and twists in agony when he gets touched by the orange tip of that red hot poker.
Now that fancy talkin' white man of yours didn't know what's what. He still thought his ass hadda chance. But like the One-Eyed Charly you are, you always know the end is near 'fore the white folks.
With the ORANGE HOT poker, he BURNS OFF Django's other NIPPLE. The smell of burned flesh smokes in the air. Stephen makes a show of breathing it in his nostrils.
Damn Nigger, you smell good.
He walks behind Django with the poker.
You know, when you was sittin' on that feather bed in the quest room in the Big House - After you slapped my ass to the floor You were sayin' something 'bout my BARE BLACK ass, and how you were gonna BUST IT. Remember that, Bright Boy?
He places the HOT ORANGE END OF THE POKER hard against Django's BARE buttocks.
Stephen LAUGHS.
Stephen walks away and sticks the poker back in the fire. He goes through Django's clothes and pulls out his tan pants. He tosses them on the floor by the hanging man.
You leavin', that's what you can take with you.
Stephen walks over to the hanging upside down man, and as he talks to him, he begins fondling Django's genitals.
Now you were quite the topic of conversation for the last few hours. Seemed like folks never had a bright idea in their life, was comin' up with different ways to kill your ASS. Now most of 'dem ideas involved fuckin wit your fun parts. But while that might SEEM like a good idea. Truth is, once ya snip a niggers nuts, most bleed out. Then I say; "Hells bells, the niggers we send to LeQuint Dickey, got it worse then that." Then they're, "Let's whip 'em to death," "Throw 'em to the mandingos," "Feed 'em to Stonesipher's dogs." And then I say, "What's so special 'bout that? We do that shit all the time. Hells bells, the niggers we send to LeQuint Dickey got it worse then that."
He stops massaging Django's balls.
So Miss Lara got the bright idea of givin' your ass to The LeQuint Dickey Mining Company. And as a slave of The LeQuint Dickey Mining Company, hence forth, till the day you die, you will be swinging a sledgehammer, all day,
every day, turning big rocks into little rocks. And trust me when I tell you it's gonna be 'bout as much fun as it sounds. We sell 'em the mandingos ain't good for nuttin' no more. Like them three y'all came back with. For them
big garboons we get twenty a piece. They last 'bout six months. Skinny nigger like you, I give two or three.
Stephen turns to leave.
Where's Broomhilda?
She's all right for now. Miss Lara soft hearted on 'er. She gave her to Billy Crash. He was sweet on 'er. Now Billy Crash might not look or smell too good, but ain't nobody gonna bother her.
Stephen limps away.
Quentin Tarantino
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BullWhip722 - March 11, 2025, 12:39 am
Can’t access the video?