County Work Farm – Part 1: Busted
Jason Walker is a seriously hung stud who is framed for rape and sent to a work farm run by a sadistic female warden in this anonymously written series with some fantastic art by Amalaric! »
Jason Walker is a seriously hung stud who is framed for rape and sent to a work farm run by a sadistic female warden in this anonymously written series with some fantastic art by Amalaric! »
After processing, Jason is shown his barracks and the "lay of the land" before being led to building with a large frame structure to meet the warden and her whip. »
Jason's father taught him “A man is most a man when he takes it like a man.” and he proves his worthiness as he takes a brutal whipping before being lead to the warden's private quarters. »
The following morning, Jason lines up at "The Milking Barn" where the hung stud endures his first milking by a high-paying gay man who enjoys humiliating the poor stud while forcing out his load. »