Adam Craig and his sons are abducted by the interrogators, bound and begin to lose their clothing!

Adam Craig and his Sons - Page 2
by Mohawk
Series: Adam Craig and his Sons

Adam Craig and his three sons, Mike, Matt and Martin had all been working as revolutionaries against the current tyrannical government from the start. A subversive group, from the government’s point of view, that was planning an uprising that would depose the tyrant and bring the old style government back to power. Because of their long time involvement with the revolutionaries, the Craigs were acquainted with many of the other revolutionaries. Now all four Craigs had been captured by government agents and had been put into heavy metal shackles and leg irons making escape all but impossible.

Adam, the father of the three sons, was in his mid 40’s. Like many revolutionaries, he had kept himself in shape. He still had 17-inch biceps and legs like proverbial tree trunks. Powerful, he could fight with the best of them, but on this occasion, all his muscle and fighting skill hadn’t helped.

Mike, the oldest son, was 25. He stood a good 6 feet tall and was heavily muscled. He had quick reflexes and was a skilled fighter. Somewhat soft spoken, he was had a warm and pleasant personality and is tenacious when confronted with a situation be felt had to be dealt with.

Matt, the next in line was 22. Slightly taller than Mike, he was leaner and more defined in his muscularity. Mike might be a bulldozer, but Matt was a coiled spring ready to explode.

Martin, the youngest – about to turn 21 was shorter than his brothers. He had a warm and pleasant personality and like his brothers and his father, shared a warm relationship with the family. He adored his older brothers, who despite their constant heckling him, protected him and watched over them like mother hens, since their mother had passed away shortly after Martin’s birth.

Adam and his three sons were at home when canisters of tear gas came crashing through the windows, immediately spewing out their noxious contents.

The four men ran for the door only to find it was being held shut by some kind of force from outside. The attacking government agents had in fact, jammed large two by fours against the doors making it impossible for them to be opened from inside. Mike stumbled to the window only to meet with a hail of bullets coming at him. He dropped to the floor, which gave him a moment's respite from the choking gas. But more gas kept coming.

One after another, each of the other men fell choking to the floor. When it was deemed safe for the government agents, they opened the doors and immediately placed the leg irons and handcuffs on the four men. The added weight made it necessary for several men to be needed to carry their unconscious trophies to the waiting truck. As the four prisoners of war were placed in the back of the waiting pickup truck, each of the prisoners was secured to metal rings by the chains on their arm and leg irons. Once the four were fastened down, they were blindfolded and gagged.

The truck drove for some time, carrying the four prisoners and a few interrogators. A car followed with more interrogators inside. Finally, the vehicles arrived at a large barn-like structure. Several of the men gathered around the back of the pick up while a few others opened the locks that held their captives to the truck bed. The four were beginning to regain consciousness. Because of their grogginess, they were not strong enough to fight back. The weight of their chains and irons on their wrists and ankles also made any resistance impossible. The four men were now half marched and half dragged into the barn.

Once inside, Adam was positioned under a large hook hanging from a chain. One of the government operatives pressed a button on a control mechanism and the chain with the hook lowered down. Once it was low enough, the hook was slipped under the chain between Adam’s manacles. The agent again pressed a button on the control box and the sound of a chain being pulled up was clearly heard. Adam could only watch as the hook rose higher. Adam’s body was being pulled taut and Adam finally let out a low groan as his body was stretched to its limits. Any further and he would have been lifted off the floor.

“Well, Adam…I may call you Adam may I not? After all there are four “Mr. Craig’s” here and I wouldn’t want there to be any confusion”.

“Fuck you” Adam said looking his captor square in the face.

“Now, now Adam… is that any way to talk in front of your sons here? “First of all, I need to tell you that on our way over here, while you four were unconscious, we had a trial for your anti-government behavior. I was the judge”. The man bowed in mocking “introduction” to Adam.

“The four of you were all found guilty and are now prisoners of the State. I have been assigned to interrogate you”.

Adam knew what was going to happen now that he and his sons had been through some sort of mock trial – if in fact there had been one. Adam glanced furtively at his sons and noticed that some of the other men had similar controllers and were lowering hooks on chains down. He watched silently as his three sons received the same treatment. Once secured by the hook around the chain, the hook was raised to the point where all three young men were now pulled taut and in some pain.

“You look like a pretty tough egg,” said the interrogator grudgingly. “I suspect you can take a good deal before you break. But, break you will. I have my ways. Would you like to give me a list of your “comrades” and spare yourself some pain and suffering?’

“Go fuck yourself” spat Adam. He figured he could probably take anything they could throw at him. He wasn’t ready however, for what his captors had in mind.

The interrogator turned to his men and nodded. They approached the oldest of the sons and began to open his shirt and pull in out of his jeans. A knife appeared and within seconds, the shirt and white undershirt lay in torn bits on the floor. Mike hung, bare to the waist, struggling in his chains.

“Leave him the fuck alone,” screamed Adam. “He doesn’t know anything”.

“Ah, said the interrogator. “But you do, eh. Start talking and give me the names or we go back to work on Mikey here”.

Adam gritted his teeth and dropped his head. He couldn’t reveal the names of his comrades. It would mean certain death for them.

“Well, are you going to tell me, or do I get the info from Sonny boy there?”

No response.

“Continue,” said the interrogator to his men.

The men moved forward quickly and undid Michael’s belt. They grabbed the waistband and jerked his pants down around his ankles. The knife appeared again as if by magic and with a few swipes, Mike’s blue jeans lay on the floor. While they were bent over, picking up the pieces of Mike’s clothing, they took Mike’s shoes and socks off. All that stood between Mike and totally nudity was a pair of white cotton briefs and the large metal bands around his ankles and wrists.

“Ok Pops,” the interrogator said to Adam “You want to give me the names now, or do we go the full Monty?”

Mike yelled “Don’t tell them anything Pa, I can take it”

“Really? Well let’s continue then”. A quick nod to his men and one of them grabbed Mike’s briefs and jerked them down. The interrogator himself came over and tore the briefs off the young man’s body. Mike dropped his head in humiliation as his cock and balls came into view – as did his nicely muscled butt.

The other two sons turned their heads away. They had of course seen their brother naked on many occasions, but none like this.

“So which of you wants to save this young man some pain?” asked the interrogator. Silence. None of you? Very well. Let’s continue”.


1 Comment

  1. scotts60143 - September 6, 2024, 8:07 am

    Great setup! Dad can take the pain, but…can he watch his son being worked over?? Interesting question!! Good chapter!

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