A bus load of cops are abducted by a gang of criminals, forced to strip naked and live a life of sexual slavery in this hot new story by Mohawk with some sexy art pieces by Alpharithm9.

Police officer in gay bondage storyThe Kidnapping of a Bus Load of Police - Page 1
by Mohawk

The Police Department was determined to put an end to a large drug cartel working in the city. A major effort was underway and the department was bringing in cops from neighboring cities to help out. The department was sending a busload of cops to break up one of the major drug cartels. Twenty officers boarded the bus that was to take them to the place where they would rendezvous with another contingent of police officers some 25 miles away. Once the officers piled onto the bus, the driver threw the vehicle in gear and took off.

About 20 minutes into the trip, two trucks loaded with men, pulled into the street and blocked the busload of officers. A mob of men rushed into the street and surrounded the bus. Some had flamethrowers and others had mortars. One man with a bullhorn ordered the officers to come out of the bus. A man standing by each of the bus’s doors held a large burlap sack. The voice on the bullhorn told the officers to put all their weapons in the sack as they exited the bus, and not to try anything stupid or the entire bus and all inside would be destroyed. Any officer found with a weapon after leaving the bus would be summarily executed. The officers were told to exit the bus, deposit their weapons in the burlap sacks, put their hands behind their heads and line up where directed.

Given the amount of firepower aimed at the busload of cops, the officers had no choice but to follow the orders. Each placed his weapon in the proffered sack and put his hands behind his head, fingers interlaced and dutifully walked from the bus.

The mob was clearly nothing more than some of the members of the drug cartel. As each officer left the bus, three of the gang members surrounded the officer – one on each side and one behind. All three carried rifles, which were pointed at the each of the captured police officers. The police officers were moved into a line by a wall. They were beginning to suspect they were going to be executed by being made to stand before the wall and shot. This didn’t happen however.

Police officer forced to strip in gay bondage storyInstead, the first cop was moved away from the others and made to stand with his back to the wall, his hands still locked behind his head. An interrogator and a video cameraman moved in front of him. The interrogator spoke. “Do exactly what you are told and your chances of staying alive remain high. Disobey me and you will be punished. Punishment may include execution. Follow my orders to the letter. Is that understood?”

“Yeah” said the cop, his hands still locked behind his head. He was wishing the guy would move closer and he could bash his face in, but that wasn’t going to happen. Indeed the reverse happened. One of the riflemen, who accompanied the cop, smashed him across the face with his leather-gloved hand.

“Didn’t you learn nothin’ at the police academy? Address your betters as ‘Sir’! Got it?”

The officer was jolted by the blow and looked angrily at his attacker. The rifleman started to start to swing another punch when the officer grumbled, “Yes sir”.

The blow was not stopped, but crashed hard into the officer’s gut, causing him to double over with pain. The cop collapsed and fell to his knees. “Speak clearly and with respect whenever you speak to any of us,” demanded the interrogator.

“Yes sir” the cop said with as much respect and clarity as he could muster, doubled over on his knees in the dirt.

“Get up!”

“Yes sir” said the cop struggling to his feet and putting his hands back behind his head. The other cops on the line looked on with fear and trepidation. Life was going to get nasty for the officers. They had no idea how nasty it was going to get.

Cop forced to strip naked in gay bondage storyThe cameraman focused his camera on the officer’s face. The interrogator, apparently, was the one who gave the orders. And the first set of orders came immediately.

“Face the camera. Keep your hands behind your head. State your name and police ID number clearly. Then turn your head to your right and hold it for 5 seconds. Then face forward for 5 seconds, then face left for 5 seconds. Face the camera and state your name and ID one more time. Then, remove all your clothing. Leave nothing on. You are to be completely naked. You will be subjected to a complete body search. Follow the instructions of the men searching you. Do not try anything suspicious or you and the next two officers will be executed. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir” the officer said, his voice trembling with fear and horror.

“Start the camera,” said the interrogator. The cameraman began to film. The officer looked straight at the camera and said “Officer Joseph Jones, police ID 904321” He then turned his head to the right and slowly silently counted to five. Then he looked forward again for a count of five, and finally to the left. After five seconds, he looked forward and repeated his name and ID number.

Jones hesitated for a second, his eyes pleading not to be humiliated like this in front of his fellow officers and the assembled mob of thugs who were all watching in amusement. It was neat for the cartel members seeing the officer being humiliated and starting to undress for his strip search. They smirked and made jokes about the scared look on the cops face. For the other cops it was a vision of what was to come – for them. Many of the mobsters surrounding the officers had been through just such a process and they were enjoying watching the cop being subjected to the same humiliating business. For the officers this was just a beginning and they suspected it was going to get much worse.

Cop strip search by criminals in gay bondage storyAs the cop slowly pulled his shirt out of his pants, unbuttoned it and slowly removed it. He pulled his undershirt up over his head revealing a well-developed set of pectoral muscles and a good set of abdominals as well. He stood up and the cameraman kept filming panning the camera over the naked torso often including the face of the totally degraded officer. Next, the cop bent over, and untied his left boot and removed one and then the sock underneath. He changed position and removed his other boot and sock. He stood up, painfully aware of all the eyes staring at him. He opened his utility belt, already emptied of his firearm, and dropped it to the ground. Then, he began to open his belt and the fly on his trousers. He closed his eyes, as though that would block out the shame he felt and he let his pants drop to the ground. Once again, he stood up. He tried to stand as erect as possible hoping and praying the interrogator should say, “That’s enough” but that never happened. He closed his eyes again and with all his mental strength, he slid his hands into the waistband of his briefs and slid them down over his lean hips. As they slid slowly passed his groin, his genitals were exposed to view and he tried to clench his legs together to hide them but to no avail. As his briefs fell in a small pile around his feet he kicked them away and stood completely naked in front of the assemble mob. The interrogator said nothing but indicated he was to put his hands behind his head again which the broken and humiliated officer did. The cameraman made sure the cop’s entire body was visible in the video.

Then two men stepped forward and began the search itself. They started running their fingers though the officer’s dark brown hair on the top of his head. Their hands moved downward. They looked in and behind his ears. They looked up his nostrils and made him open his mouth, stick his tongue out and move it around. One of the searchers rana leather gloved finger around the inside of the cop’s mouth causing him to choke slightly. Next, they made his hold out in front of him, spreading his fingers wide apart. They examined his hands. They searched his armpits. They examined his navel for some unknown reason. Then they made him lift each of his feet. They checked between his toes and the soles of his feet. Satisfied he had nothing hidden, they moved in for the “kill”. The miserable cop was made to lift his cock and balls while the men searched his groin. The camera moved in, focusing on his cock and balls to record every salient detail. Then the cop was made to turn and face the wall.

Police officer forced to strip naked in gay bondage story 2“Bend over and spread ‘em,” came the command. The cop clenched his teeth and screwed up his face, in disgust what he was being made to do. He shook his head from side to side, as though resisting, but did exactly as he was told. The camera zoomed slowly in for a close up – first of his bare ass, and then his ass hole as he was made to spread his ass cheeks apart.

It was obvious to the naked officer this had been an exercise in totally humiliation and degradation. It would be hard to imagine a police officer heading for a rendezvous with other cops to have secret anything in any body cavity. The search had been successful in its purpose.

Totally humiliated, the cop was ordered to stand up and turn around, and to put his hands back behind his head. The mortified cop obeyed. When he assumed the position once again, the interrogated demanded the naked cop identify himself again. This time in a clearly broken voice, the demoralized officer said, “Yes sir. Officer Joe Jones, police ID 904321”.

“Very good”, said the interrogator. “Now take your handcuffs off you utility belt and cuff yourself with your hands behind your back.” The naked officer bent over and located the cuffs. He put one on one wrist and the put his hands behind his back and struggled to get the other on. One of his guards stepped behind him, closed the cuffs, and checked to see they were properly locked. Naked and cuffed, the riflemen started to move the cop away from the wall.


Officer Jones started to bend over to try to pick up his clothes, despite the fact he was cuffed. “Don’t bother with your clothes,” said the interrogator. “You won’t need them anymore”. Jones looked horrified. One of the men with a rifle had already gathered up most his clothes and stuffed them in a bag. The cartel member took a felt tipped pen and wrote “Officer Joe Jones, police ID 904321) on the bag. As Jones was moved away from the wall, he was able to watch his friend and fellow officer, Mike Trent moved into the position against the wall. He heard the same instructions being given to Trent. As the bare-assed officer Jones was being led away, he was able to catch a glimpse of Mike as he stated his name and ID number as the camera started to role to record his ritual humiliation. Mike could see his buddy, Joe, standing about 30 feet away, the only naked man in the “field of battle”, at least for the moment. Mike was pretty sure he would be standing out there too shortly, cuffed and as naked as Joe. He was right.


1 Comment

  1. scotts60143 - July 9, 2024, 1:42 pm

    Interesting concept! Well written, and I think anyone with a cop fetish will really enjoy this. Also, anyone who has been “manhandled” by the cops will surely enjoy some revenge!

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