Breaking News from 1660s Russia by artist Cavelo!

peterPress Release: Peter the Great
by Cavelo

(x381Q/lOMTM -- A --12-JUNE-1660)
(WB)bc - Moscow - rebellion)

MOSCOW - The Tsar returned unexpectedly to the capitol after cutting short his trip to Vienna. Tsar Peter's return coincided with the arrival of nearly 1900 Streltsy rebels who recently were brought to Moscow in chains. Their rebellion was crushed last Friday near the New Jerusalem Monastery -- about thirty miles northwest of Moscow.

Sources indicate that despite the quick collapse of the Streltsy revolt, which never seriously threatened his throne, Tsar Peter was profoundly disturbed. The Tsar was apparently quite humiliated and angered by having part of his army rebel while he was traveling aboard.

"The Streltsy did not act alone! I intend to find out how far the roots of their rebellion has spread and I will stop at nothing to smoke out all the high persons who are involved," the angry Tsar was reported as saying. "I must know who instigated them--and on whose behalf?"

Hundreds of prisoners are said to have been collected from cells throughout Moscow and brought to Preobranzhenskoe. Several of the traitors apparently have already been interrogated. Preliminary information obtained thus far indicate that the rebels had first intended to sack and burn the entire German Suburb and massacre all the inhabitants, then to enter Moscow, kill all who resisted and seize all the leading boyars. Following this, it is reported that they would announce to the people of Russia that the Tsar had died in the West and his sister, Princess Sophia, would be called upon to act as regent until Tsarevich Alexis, Peter's son became old enough to rule.

Interrogation in Russia means questioning under sever torture. Much favored in interrogation are the "batog"-- a rod used to beat the victim's bare back by two men simultaneously, the "knout"-- a thick, hard leather whip about three and a half feet long whose first blow tears the skin from the victim and repeated strokes will bite through to the bone, as well as burning with red-hot irons.

Tsar Peter is expected to participate in the interrogations himself in order to hear the confessions first hand.

AP-NY-12-JUNE-1660 Ol2lEDT/L


  1. 31118azti - September 14, 2018, 8:33 pm

    When do the interrogations begin? The picture is quite erotic!

  2. Amalaric - September 15, 2018, 6:18 am

    What fun- real history Russian style. Here’s to a burning ember in your ear…

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